Oct 5, 2024

EIN Presswire's Bias Against Masculinity: A Personal Experience

EIN Presswire's Bias Against Masculinity: A Personal Experience
In today’s world, we often hear about bias in media, but my recent experience with EIN Presswire sheds light on just how pervasive this bias can be when it comes to discussions around masculinity. For those who aren’t familiar, EIN Presswire is a well-known press release distribution service, often relied upon by businesses, authors, and thought leaders to spread their messages to a larger audience. They claim to stand for openness, inclusivity, and fair access, yet my experience tells a very different story.

I submitted a press release about the new book series The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence, specifically highlighting my own contribution, "The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm" (link to the book on Amazon), which provides real solutions to the ongoing masculinity crisis. This crisis is something that Warren Farrell’s book "The Boy Crisis" brilliantly highlights, but it doesn't offer enough in terms of actionable solutions.

The press release I submitted was intended to inform people about my book and how it fills a significant gap in the conversation about masculinity. Shockingly, not only did EIN Presswire reject my press release, but they went as far as banning my account entirely. Let that sink in: they banned me for trying to offer real solutions to a topic that desperately needs attention. This incident clearly points to a media bias that is not just present, but actively working to silence conversations around masculinity.

The Masculinity Crisis in Today’s Society

Before diving into the media bias, let me first explain why the masculinity crisis is such a pressing issue. The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell and John Gray does a fantastic job outlining the struggles that boys and young men face in today’s society. Boys are falling behind in education, experiencing skyrocketing mental health issues, and are often lacking strong male role models. Farrell’s book has brought much-needed attention to these problems, but as I read it, I couldn’t help but feel that something was missing—solutions.

That’s where The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence comes in. The series is designed to provide actionable, practical tools for men to reclaim their masculine strength, build resilience, and take control of their lives. My contribution to the series, "The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm", focuses on reshaping internal paradigms that often limit personal growth and success. It’s about cultivating the mental toughness that today’s men need in order to thrive in a world that seems to undervalue masculinity at every turn.

A Tale of Two Press Release Services: EIN Presswire vs. IssueWire

After submitting my press release to EIN Presswire, I was blindsided by their swift rejection. Their reason for rejecting it was vague at best, but the real insult came when they banned my account completely. I wasn’t trying to spread misinformation or make controversial claims; I was simply promoting a book that aims to help men develop their mental resilience and emotional strength.

When I reached out to EIN Presswire for clarification, they provided no real explanation other than that my content was "inappropriate." Inappropriate? A book offering real-world solutions for the masculinity crisis is inappropriate? This kind of rejection says a lot more about EIN Presswire than it does about my content.

Fortunately, IssueWire, one of EIN’s competitors, had no issue with my press release. They accepted it and distributed it nationwide, which you can read here: IssueWire Press Release.

What this experience tells me is that some platforms are not ready to have a serious conversation about men’s issues. Despite the growing body of evidence that men are struggling in numerous areas—mental health, educational achievement, and even life expectancy—the mainstream media, and in this case, EIN Presswire, seems more interested in silencing these discussions than encouraging them.

The Media’s Role in the Masculinity Crisis

Why is this media bias against discussing masculinity so important? For one, it further alienates men who are already feeling marginalized. When discussions around masculinity are stifled, men are left with fewer outlets to explore their identity, seek help, and develop a healthy sense of self. The masculinity crisis is not going away, and silencing the voices that are trying to offer solutions only makes the problem worse.

EIN Presswire’s actions are a small but telling example of how the media, in general, treats topics related to masculinity. While it’s perfectly acceptable to have discussions about toxic masculinity and the ways in which men need to change, any attempt to promote healthy masculinity, strength, or leadership is often met with resistance. The term "toxic masculinity" is thrown around so loosely that it often feels like society is painting all expressions of masculinity with the same negative brush.

But as my book, "The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm" points out, masculinity itself is not the problem. The problem arises when men are not given the tools to cultivate their masculinity in a positive, productive way. My book teaches men how to develop mental resilience, emotional control, and leadership skills—qualities that are sorely needed in today’s world.

The Need for Real Solutions

The truth is, men don’t need more criticism. They need solutions. That’s why I felt compelled to write "The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm" in the first place. Men today are facing real challenges, from societal pressures to personal crises, and they need resources that help them navigate these challenges. The book provides practical exercises, mental frameworks, and paradigm shifts that can help men develop the strength and resilience they need to lead fulfilling lives.

Contrast this with The Boy Crisis, which does a great job of highlighting the issues but falls short when it comes to offering real, actionable solutions. That’s not to say that Farrell’s work isn’t important—it absolutely is. But awareness is only the first step. What men need are the tools to fix the issues that books like The Boy Crisis highlight.

Why the Media Bias Against Masculinity Matters

This bias against masculinity doesn’t just affect authors like myself; it affects society as a whole. When the media refuses to engage in honest conversations about masculinity, it sends a message to men and boys that their struggles aren’t worth discussing. It reinforces the idea that masculinity is inherently problematic, and it stifles the kinds of discussions that could actually help men develop in a positive way.

This is why it’s so crucial to have platforms that are willing to support men’s growth and development. IssueWire did just that by picking up my press release and distributing it nationwide, despite EIN Presswire’s decision to ban it. You can read the full press release here: IssueWire Press Release.

Moving Forward: What Men Need Now

As we move forward, it’s clear that men need more resources that emphasize growth, self-mastery, and leadership. This is the central mission of the Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence series. My contribution to the series, "The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm", provides men with the mental tools they need to reshape their internal paradigms and take control of their lives.

It’s time to stop shaming men for wanting to be strong, confident, and successful. Strength and masculinity are not inherently negative traits—they’re essential qualities that men need to cultivate in order to navigate the challenges of life.


If there’s one thing my experience with EIN Presswire has taught me, it’s that we need to keep pushing forward, regardless of the obstacles. The media may try to silence discussions around masculinity, but as long as there are platforms like IssueWire willing to support these conversations, the message will continue to get out.

Oct 2, 2024

The Boy Crisis: The Wrong Solutions for the Right Problems – Why Masculine Presence is the Answer for Boys and Men

 In The Boy Crisis, authors Warren Farrell and John Gray explore the alarming decline in the well-being of boys and young men. They highlight problems ranging from mental health issues to educational failure and the alarming rate of fatherlessness in modern society. While the book effectively captures the scale of the crisis, its proposed solutions fall short by asking society to double down on the very dynamics that contributed to the crisis in the first place.

Instead of conforming to society’s growing focus on emotional vulnerability and soft masculinity, books like A Dominant Masculine Presence by RP Thor and The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm by Paul Bauer propose a far better way forward. These works empower men and boys by encouraging them to embrace their natural masculine strengths—offering solutions rooted in leadership, resilience, and self-mastery. This article will explore why The Boy Crisis fails to provide lasting solutions and why embracing a dominant masculine presence is the key to revitalizing young men.

The Boy Crisis: Identifying the Problem but Proposing the Wrong Solutions

Farrell and Gray’s The Boy Crisis accurately diagnoses the problems facing boys today. These include:

  • Educational Underachievement: Boys are falling behind girls in school, particularly in reading and writing, critical skills for their future success.

  • Mental Health Crisis: Young men are more likely to suffer from depression, ADHD, and other mental health disorders. Suicide rates among young men are far higher than their female counterparts, indicating deep-rooted issues with self-esteem and purpose.

  • Fatherlessness: The book highlights the growing problem of fatherlessness, emphasizing that boys raised without fathers are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems, struggle in school, and face a higher risk of criminal behavior.

While The Boy Crisis clearly identifies these challenges, its solutions fail to address the core issue: the erosion of traditional masculine values. Instead, the authors advocate for more emotional expression, vulnerability, and societal support programs. Although emotional intelligence is important, these proposals don’t address the deeper problem: boys are being discouraged from developing the strength, resilience, and leadership traits that are fundamental to healthy masculinity.

The Shortcomings of Emotional Vulnerability as a Solution

One of the central tenets of The Boy Crisis is the emphasis on boys embracing emotional vulnerability. While it’s important for men to be in touch with their emotions, this emphasis alone does not equip boys to navigate the competitive, challenging world they will face as adults. In fact, this approach often weakens boys, encouraging them to rely more on societal support systems rather than cultivating their own inner strength.

Boys don’t just need emotional support—they need role models and guidance that teach them how to handle adversity, make tough decisions, and take responsibility for their lives. This is where A Dominant Masculine Presence and The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm excel, offering practical, time-tested solutions for boys and men.

A Dominant Masculine Presence: Teaching Boys to Reclaim Strength

RP Thor’s A Dominant Masculine Presence provides a far more effective roadmap for developing strong, self-reliant men. The book outlines seven core skills that men must master to cultivate a dominant masculine presence:

  1. Physicality: Strength, fitness, and health are foundational to masculinity.
  2. Psychology: Developing mental toughness and emotional resilience.
  3. Presence: Commanding respect through body language and confident behavior.
  4. Problem-Solving: Taking responsibility for one’s actions and leading in difficult situations.
  5. Prosperity: Achieving financial success and independence.
  6. Power: Cultivating influence and leadership in social, professional, and personal relationships.
  7. Passion: Pursuing life with intensity and dedication.

Thor emphasizes the importance of traditional masculine traits such as strength, leadership, and resilience—qualities that The Boy Crisis neglects in favor of emotional softness. His book teaches boys and men how to cultivate these skills, creating a framework for personal success and societal contribution.

The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm

Paul Bauer’s book The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm offers a deep dive into the psychological mindset necessary for masculine development. Bauer focuses on paradigms—mental frameworks that dictate how we view ourselves and the world. He teaches men how to identify and reprogram limiting paradigms that prevent them from developing their full masculine potential.

Bauer’s work complements Thor’s by focusing on personal responsibility and mindset. He encourages men to stop waiting for society to change and instead take control of their lives through self-mastery and mental toughness. By reshaping their internal beliefs, men can unlock new levels of confidence and success in all areas of life.

Unlike The Boy Crisis, which advocates for external societal solutions, Bauer’s work empowers men to take charge of their own destinies. This is the key to overcoming the boy crisis—encouraging boys to stop seeking validation from external sources and start developing the traits that will make them successful and fulfilled men.

Masculine Presence: A Real Solution for Boys and Men

While The Boy Crisis highlights critical issues facing boys today, its solutions are flawed. Encouraging boys to be more emotionally vulnerable without teaching them how to cultivate strength and resilience will only perpetuate the crisis. Boys need more than emotional support—they need to learn how to embrace their masculine nature and develop the traits that have made men successful throughout history.

Here’s why cultivating a dominant masculine presence, as proposed by Thor and Bauer, is the real solution to the boy crisis:

  1. Developing Emotional Resilience: While The Boy Crisis focuses on emotional vulnerability, Thor and Bauer emphasize emotional resilience. Boys need to learn how to handle challenges without being overwhelmed by their emotions.
  2. Building Physical and Mental Strength: Both Thor and Bauer emphasize the importance of physical fitness and mental toughness. These traits are foundational to success and confidence.
  3. Taking Responsibility: Boys must learn to take responsibility for their lives, rather than waiting for external systems to solve their problems. Thor and Bauer teach men how to develop the leadership skills necessary to take control of their lives.
  4. Setting Boundaries and Assertiveness: A key part of developing a dominant masculine presence is learning how to set boundaries and assert oneself confidently. Thor and Bauer encourage boys to embrace their masculine traits, rather than suppress them.

Practical Steps for Boys to Develop a Masculine Presence

To overcome the boy crisis, boys and men need to adopt a proactive approach to their development. Here are some practical steps from A Dominant Masculine Presence and The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm:

  1. Develop Emotional Resilience: Boys should be taught to manage their emotions and develop mental toughness, rather than simply expressing their feelings.
  2. Prioritize Physical Fitness: Building physical strength is essential to developing confidence and assertiveness.
  3. Embrace Leadership: Boys need to learn how to lead in all aspects of life—whether in relationships, careers, or social circles.
  4. Reprogram Limiting Paradigms: Identifying and changing negative mental frameworks is crucial for personal growth and success.
  5. Set Boundaries and Be Assertive: Boys need to learn how to stand up for themselves and set clear boundaries, a trait often discouraged in modern society.

Conclusion: The Right Path Forward for Boys

While The Boy Crisis succeeds in identifying the problems facing boys and young men today, it ultimately fails to offer the right solutions. Doubling down on emotional vulnerability without cultivating resilience and strength will only perpetuate the struggles that boys face.

In contrast, A Dominant Masculine Presence by RP Thor and The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm by Paul Bauer offer real solutions by encouraging boys and men to reclaim their masculine traits. These books provide a clear roadmap for developing strength, leadership, and emotional resilience—traits that are essential for thriving in today’s world.

Learn more about developing a dominant masculine presence with RP Thor’s book here: A Dominant Masculine Presence

For a deep dive into reprogramming limiting paradigms, check out Paul Bauer’s book here: The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology – Paradigm

Sep 14, 2024

Introducing My New Book: The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm

I’m thrilled to share that my latest book, The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm, is now available on Amazon in both paperback and hardcover editions. This book is the culmination of years of personal development, coaching, and mastering the art of a dominant masculine presence. Order your copy today and start transforming your life.

Why I Wrote This Book

As men, we often operate based on paradigms—those deep-rooted beliefs that dictate how we act, think, and perceive the world around us. In The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm, I break down how these paradigms are formed and how they impact our ability to lead, succeed, and maintain fulfilling relationships. The book is a step-by-step guide to reprogramming your mind for success and building the masculine presence that every man needs.

What’s Inside?

In The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm, I walk you through the most powerful tools and concepts that I’ve applied in my own life and the lives of thousands of men I’ve coached. You’ll discover:

  • How to identify your limiting paradigms and replace them with empowering beliefs
  • Techniques for mastering your emotions and staying grounded in any situation
  • The key psychological shifts necessary to build respect, attraction, and success

Drawing on Timeless Wisdom

This book is influenced by lessons I’ve learned from giants like Bob Proctor and through years of personal study in mindset mastery and leadership. My goal is to help men like you recognize the power of their own minds and unlock the hidden potential that lies within. Whether you're struggling in your relationship, looking to advance in your career, or simply wanting to become a stronger man, The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm will serve as your blueprint.

Why This Book Is for You

Every man needs to cultivate his presence—whether in his personal relationships, at work, or in social settings. This book offers practical advice and actionable steps that will help you:

  • Take charge of your mindset and eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Improve your interactions with others by exuding confidence and calmness
  • Build a strong foundation of self-respect and command respect from others

Get Your Copy Today!

Ready to make a lasting change? Now’s the time to invest in yourself and start the journey toward mastering your psychology and establishing a dominant masculine presence. Don’t wait—order your copy of The Essential Skills of a Masculine Presence: Psychology - Paradigm on Amazon today.

Sep 11, 2024

Fix Dead Bedrooms: The Ultimate Resource for Restoring Intimacy in Relationships

Many couples face the challenge of a dead bedroom, where the passion and intimacy that once defined their relationship seem to have disappeared. This situation can be emotionally draining and frustrating, especially when it feels like there's no way to reignite the spark. Fortunately, Fix Dead Bedrooms offers a comprehensive guide to help couples reconnect, rebuild intimacy, and restore the attraction that has been lost.

Fix Dead Bedrooms is a specialized platform designed to provide actionable advice and proven strategies for anyone struggling with a lack of intimacy in their relationship. It focuses on helping couples understand the root causes of sexual disconnection and offers practical solutions to reignite the passion in their marriage or relationship.

Why Dead Bedrooms Happen and How to Fix Them

A dead bedroom typically occurs when one or both partners lose interest in sexual intimacy, often due to emotional disconnection, stress, life changes, or a shift in relationship dynamics. Many men who visit the site often ask questions like, “Why has my wife lost interest in sex?” or “How do I fix a dead bedroom?

Fix Dead Bedrooms offers insights into why these issues happen and provides a step-by-step guide to fixing them. The site draws on advice from popular relationship books such as "The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi, "Practical Female Psychology", and "Atomic Attraction" by Christopher Canwell, to help individuals understand the complex dynamics of attraction and intimacy.

Proven Strategies to Reignite Passion in Marriage

At Fix Dead Bedrooms, the focus is on practical, actionable steps to restore intimacy in relationships. The site covers key strategies that help men and women reconnect with their partners, both emotionally and physically. Here are a few of the critical approaches offered:

  1. Rebuild Attraction: Restoring attraction in a long-term relationship is about much more than physical appearance. Fix Dead Bedrooms emphasizes the importance of confidence, emotional control, and masculine energy in reestablishing the attraction that first brought the couple together.

  2. Restore Intimacy: Open communication is crucial to fixing a dead bedroom. Fix Dead Bedrooms encourages couples to talk openly about their needs and desires, helping them rebuild trust and emotional closeness that naturally lead to physical intimacy.

  3. Revive Passion: One of the standout features of Fix Dead Bedrooms is its focus on gradually reviving passion through small, consistent efforts. The platform teaches men and women how to initiate non-sexual physical touches, emotionally reconnect, and create an environment conducive to renewed physical desire.

Drawing on Relationship Expertise

The advice on Fix Dead Bedrooms is grounded in research and expert relationship psychology. The platform draws from relationship classics like "The Rational Male", which emphasizes male self-improvement and understanding female psychology. "Practical Female Psychology" offers insights into how women’s emotions and behaviors influence their relationships, while "Atomic Attraction" by Christopher Canwell delves into the science of attraction and how to reignite sexual desire in long-term relationships.

The site also integrates lessons from Everything I Wish I Knew When I Was 18 (available here), a guide that offers invaluable advice on building and maintaining attraction in relationships. The book provides practical tips for dating and long-term relationships, and the insights shared on Fix Dead Bedrooms reflect many of the principles outlined in the book, especially when it comes to keeping attraction alive and thriving over the years.

Fixing Dead Bedrooms Is Possible

If you’re facing a dead bedroom situation in your marriage or relationship, it’s easy to feel hopeless. However, Fix Dead Bedrooms offers a wealth of resources and advice to help you overcome this challenge. Whether you’re trying to restore intimacy in marriage or simply reignite passion in your relationship, this site provides the tools and strategies needed to bring back the connection that has faded.

Take the Next Step

If you're ready to take control of your relationship and fix your dead bedroom, visit Fix Dead Bedrooms for more information and strategies. The site provides clear, actionable advice that can help you rebuild attraction and restore intimacy in your marriage.

For those looking for more personalized help, consider booking a strategy session to dive deeper into your unique situation. You can book a call today at coaching.comeonmanpod.com to get started on the path to reigniting passion and fixing your dead bedroom.

May 5, 2023

How To Use AI/ChatGPT Effectively To Get Chicks

By now you've probably heard about ChatGPT. It's an artificial intelligence (AI) program where you can ask it anything, and it will scour the internet for information to provide you with the information requested. Can it be used to get you laid though?! That's what we're going to find out today! 


Practical Law of Attraction course: http://loa.comeonmanpod.com
The Conversation Conversion Blueprint Dating App Course By Performance Potential: https://www.performancepotential.co/a/2147499861/s5RamP7C - Coupon Code: COMEONMAN30
Jon Fitch's Practical Self-Defense: https://gumroad.com/a/780330707/ubexvq
RP Thor's Courses, Coaching and Group Membership: https://gumroad.com/a/505970387


Join my Patreon (Coaching): http://patreon.com/comeonmanpod
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Recommended Reading: https://is.gd/COMPBooks
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Feb 1, 2023

Why Ubuntu is Better than CentOS for Businesses

When it comes to choosing a Linux distribution for businesses, the choice often comes down to Ubuntu or CentOS. Both distributions have their own unique strengths, but when it comes to business use, there are several reasons why Ubuntu is the better choice.

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Ubuntu has a user-friendly interface that is easy to use, making it ideal for businesses that want to minimize the amount of time and resources spent on managing their IT infrastructure.
  2. Wide Range of Applications: Ubuntu has a large repository of software applications that can be easily installed and updated, making it an ideal solution for businesses that require a wide range of applications for their operations.
  3. Regular Updates: Ubuntu releases regular updates to its software and distributions, ensuring that businesses are always running the most up-to-date and secure software.
  4. Strong Community Support: Ubuntu has a strong and active community of users and developers that provides extensive support, making it an ideal solution for businesses that need help with their IT infrastructure.
  5. Cloud Integration: Ubuntu has a strong focus on cloud integration and is the preferred distribution for many cloud providers, making it an ideal solution for businesses that want to take advantage of cloud computing.
  6. Cost-Effective: Ubuntu is a free and open-source operating system, making it an affordable solution for businesses on a tight budget.
  7. Easy to Deploy: Ubuntu has a straightforward installation process and can be easily deployed on a wide range of hardware, making it an ideal solution for businesses that want to quickly and easily set up their IT infrastructure.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing a Linux distribution for businesses, Ubuntu is the better choice. With its user-friendly interface, wide range of applications, regular updates, strong community support, cloud integration, cost-effectiveness, and easy deployment, Ubuntu is the ideal solution for businesses looking to minimize their IT infrastructure costs while maximizing their efficiency and security.

Jan 31, 2023

How To Create An Inexpensive Fiber Channel SAN using Ubuntu Linux

In today’s data-driven world, businesses need to keep their data safe and easily accessible. A Storage Area Network (SAN) provides centralized data storage and is crucial for any business looking to implement a disaster recovery plan. While traditional SANs can be expensive, creating a Fiber Channel SAN using Ubuntu Linux can be an affordable alternative.

What is a Fiber Channel SAN?

A Fiber Channel SAN is a high-speed network that provides block-level access to storage devices. Unlike traditional Ethernet-based networks, Fiber Channel provides fast, low-latency, and reliable data transfer, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to centralize their data storage.

Benefits of Using Ubuntu Linux to Create a Fiber Channel SAN:

  • Cost-effective: Ubuntu Linux is a free, open-source operating system, making it an affordable solution for businesses on a tight budget.
  • Versatile: Ubuntu Linux can be used to create a variety of SAN solutions, including Fiber Channel, iSCSI, and NFS.
  • Scalable: Ubuntu Linux can be easily scaled to meet the changing needs of a growing business.
  • Easy to Use: Ubuntu Linux has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to set up and manage a Fiber Channel SAN.

Steps to create a Fiber Channel SAN using Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Install Ubuntu Linux: Download and install the latest version of Ubuntu Linux on a server that will be used as the SAN.
  2. Install Fiber Channel HBA: Install a Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter (HBA) to connect the SAN to the Fiber Channel network.
  3. Configure Fiber Channel: Configure the Fiber Channel HBA to work with Ubuntu Linux and the Fiber Channel network.
  4. Create Storage Pool: Create a storage pool using LVM (Logical Volume Manager) to manage the SAN's storage devices.
  5. Create File System: Create a file system, such as XFS, on the storage pool.
  6. Export Storage: Export the storage pool as a Fiber Channel target, allowing other servers to connect to the SAN.
  7. Connect Clients: Connect client servers to the SAN using Fiber Channel initiators.

In conclusion, creating a Fiber Channel SAN using Ubuntu Linux can be an affordable and effective solution for businesses looking to centralize their data storage. With its cost-effective, versatile, scalable, and easy-to-use features, Ubuntu Linux is a great choice for businesses looking to implement a disaster recovery plan.

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