I found this video on Youtube put out by a local Fox news station on one of the dangers of Limewire, or other Gnutella network file sharing programs (I like Frostwire the best). This danger is not just corrupt files, and malicious software.
You see, when you first download and install these programs, many of you select your My Documents folder to share out. Why is that? Because that is where you keep everything else on your computer. Your pictures, your tax records, your secret passwords that you can't remember so you put them in a text file. You know, everything there is to know about you!As this video shows, if you have your My Documents shared out on the Gnutella network, you need to remedy that quickly. Move all of your music, videos, pictures and anything else you want to share in a separate folder. For instance, I share everything out from a folder on my desktop called Frostwire. Another thing, which the video doesn't mention, is when you first setup the program, and it asks if you want it to scan your computer for files, always select no on that.
Take a look at some of the stuff they found:
Do you have any other important tips in regards to file sharing programs? Let us know in the comments.
Dec 10, 2007
You Might Be Sharing More Than Music on Limewire