As any other blogger out there, I am always looking for new ways to increase traffic, and increase my back links. Those of you in the game know that more back links increases your Technorati rating, Alexa rating, and Google page rank. A About Interesting Stuff : A blog collection of interesting stuff.
One simple way of creating back links is commenting on other people's blogs. On Wordpress blogs, all you have to do is fill out the form. One of the entries is for your home page which allows for an automatic back link. For Blogger blogs like this one, you have to manually enter in the anchor tags to create your own back links. Either way it is very time consuming. That doesn't mean I will stop doing it though.One thing I see a lot of other blogs doing is a viral back link strategy. Some of them require you to keep going back to the original post where you found it to keep up with the latest entries. This alphabetical one I found doesn't though. With this one you simply replace one of the letters in the alphabet with your blog's name and URL. Other bloggers will see this, and hopefully do the same thing. After a while your link should theoretically make it on a bunch of other sites creating backlinks and boosting your rankings. I figured, what the hell, its worth a shot. So here is the list. If you want to participate just copy and paste it into a similar post, and replace one of the letters with your blogs name and URL:
B Bauer-Power! Information is Power!: An awesome technology blog.
C Crisp Networks : Tech, blogging and make money online.
D : Crude yet refined.
E Environmental Economics : Economists on environmental and natural resources: news, opinion, and analysis.
F Flowers Blog : A blog about flowers.
G Graphic Identity : Photoshop tutorial, design showcase, photography, typography and much more.
H Healthia Cynthia : Journey to ultimate health.
I Instructor Blog : Instructions on Blogging and Blogs.
J Jonathan Phillips : Personal "music" blog of Jonathan Phillips. Random stuff and thoughts of a rock guitar player. Guitars, gear, studio, life in general!
K King's Blog : Views from Kingsley.
L Lady's Confessions : I have a confession to make. Will you listen?
M My Fat Ass : A Blog about personal weight loss.
N Networking Blog : Blog about networking and social media.
O One Dollar Man : This is a man's dreams sanctuary. See his strange and weird dream occurrences.
P Photoshop Weblog : The unofficial photoshop weblog.
Q Quest For Fair Trial : Show us the inherent law. Quest for fair trial in Concord.
R Relationships - All about Relationships, marriage, children, step families, parenting, etc.
S Scribble On The Wall - Blog about different stuff.
T The Strategist Notebook - Book summaries, strategies, art of war, tactics, articles on management, leadership, motivational, inspirational slideshow and so much more! Whew!
U Untwisted Vortex : Blog reviews, promotion, issues, monetization and more.
V Very Best of Blogging : All about blogs, blogger and blogging!
W Western Standard Blog : Tells it like it is.
X Xplain - The visual thinking company.
Y Youth Blog : An insight into youth issues, volunteering trends, charity life and more from the UK charity YouthNet.
Z Zealous Blog : My little place on the web.Here are some reasons why I encourage you to join viral linking:
I am hoping to see some good come from this. Please try it and let me know how it is working for you. If you have done this before, and it didn't help you I want to know about it too.
Taken from My Beginnings in Photography