I don't mean literally boys and girls. I don't want you going out hacking websites then coming back saying, El Di Pablo told me to do it! I am going to clear the air right now, and let everyone know that if you f#%@ up someones website, and you get caught, you are on your own!
That being said, there are more harmless ways to take out your aggression. This little website gem I am about to mention is one of those harmless methods. It sort of reminds me of those noisemakers you used to be able to buy for your car that made missile and gun sounds so you could pretend to blow up the dumb ass in the next car over.
The same silly principal goes with this website. If there is a rival blogger, or perhaps you just have something against Digg, you could completely trash their site, without doing any real damage.
The website is called Net Disaster. This is what the creators of the site have to say:
Netdisaster is a web filter; it's a fun toy only. The user chooses a target website. Netdisaster overlays an animation that simulates the destruction of the target-site by a disaster. The animation can go on automatically, or via mouse-control.
Here is a video of me "pruning" plime.com:
I am fairly certain one could spend hours waisting away on this site. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. In fact, I dare you to do it to Bauer-Power! If you do jack up my site using Net Disaster, be sure to record it, and upload it to your favorite video site like Youtube. Be sure to post a link to your video jacking up Bauer-Power in the comments. If one of them is exceptionally good, I will post it on my blog! If you are a blog writer yourself, I will post it plus add a little plug for your site! So get creative people!