I found a neat little tool yesterday in my interweb travels that makes creating ISO images from CD's and DVD's (DVD's through Vista Only) really easy. Not to mention, burning them back to disk again. This utility I'm talking about is of course called ISO Recorder.
That doesn't sound terribly special to be sure, as CD/DVD burners are a dime a dozen. The cool thing about this one is how light weight it is. Everything is done through Windows using your right click.
For instance, you want to copy a CD to an ISO image? Just go to your CD drive, right click on it and BAM! You can create an image from the CD.Now lets say you already have an ISO, now you want to burn it right? Just right click on the ISO, and BAM! Copy the Image to CD!
From the ISO Recorder website:
ISO Recorder is a tool (power toy) for Windows XP, 2003 and now Windows Vista, that allows (depending on the Windows version) to burn CD and DVD images (DVD support is only available on Windows Vista), copy disks, make images of the existing data CDs and DVDs and create ISO images from a content of a disk folder.
Sure there are tons of tools out there, but this one is nice because it is so light weight, and easy to use. I have written about burners in the past, but I am always interested in new ones. What burners/ISO creators do you use? Let me know in the comments.