Aug 5, 2008

Want to see my new encrypted USB flash drive?

Okay, okay, okay, so it doesn't come encrypted by default. No, I encrypted it myself using Truecrypt, but hey, its still encrypted right? I know I have gotten into it with IronKey before, but I still think Truecrypt is the shiznite.

Anyway, one certain thing my new encrypted USB thumb drive has that Ironkey's doesn't is the very bad ass Bauer-Power logo on it!

That's right folks! For those who have been loyal readers for a while, you know I have been peddling my schwag on Cafepress for a long time. Well, I finally switched up to and with that I bring you some new products, as well as some old products at incredibly lower prices than those rip-off artists at Cafepress.

Here is a picture of my new 4GB thumb drive:

Bauer-Power 4GB Encrypted USB Drive

Now we also have 1GB, 2GB drives available with different looks. Here are the other two designs:

Bauer-Power USB Stick

Bauer-Power Tux Linux USB Drive

I now can offer other cool things besides ball caps and t-shirts. Some other cool things I have in my new store are watches, flasks, travel mugs, clocks, wallets, etc!

Check it out! I even have a Bauer-Power PSP case!

Bauer-Power PSP Case

If it has been a while since you visited the store, and you have been aching to get your geek on, give the new store a visit! (Click Here for Bauer-Power gear!)

If you prefer Cafepress, or just like the older designs, don't worry, I am going to leave my store open there too, I just won't actively link to it. If you want to check out what I have there here is the link: (Old Cafepress Bauer-Power gear)

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