I was browsing Digg the other day and there was a post on "Ten reasons Ubuntu will never beat Windows" or some nonsense. Obviously it was front page material because it caused such a frenzy. The thing that caught my eye though wasn't the article itself, but one of the Digg comments.
The commenter said that Ubuntu, or any other Linux platform, would never beat Windows because there are no games for it.To that guy... I beg to differ.
There are actually tons of games out there for Linux, you just have to know where to get them. Sure, many of these games, since they are free and have no financial backing, cannot meet the graphics levels of some of the more popular PC games, and console games out now. To that I will concede. Some of them though are pretty damned good, and most importantly, they are FREE!You can always browse synaptic package manager in Ubuntu to find a few extra simple games to add to your desktop, but if you want more you have to go elsewhere. I am making the search a little more simple for you today, because I am going to tell you where to get some games!
Its a little place called Playdeb Beta. All you have to do to get access to tons and tons of Linux games is install the package (Instructions are on their website).
Some of the games in their lineup are:
That is just a minuscule sampling too! If you are a gamer, and especially a cheap bastard that doesn't like to pay for expensive, mainstream games, then you should definitely check out Playdeb Beta.
Do you play open source games? What are some of the games you are playing? Let us know in the comments!
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