I have reposted Kip Kay's video's in the past. If you haven't heard of Mr. Kay, you can check out his website at www.KipKay.com. I first found his videos on Metacafe. Kip is a real life McGyver and literally turns random stuff into some of the most kick-ass things you wouldn't normally think of.
I haven't been to his site in a while so I decided to stop by and see what Kip was up to. When I saw that he had turned a CO2 Walther PPK into a laser pistol, I had to share that with you! I mean, I am the worlds biggest James Bond fan, so anything 007 peaks my interest. That reminds me, have you seen Quantum of Solace yet? Awesome right?
Anyway, in this video by Kip he shows us how to make our own 007 Laser gun with a CO2 pistol, and parts from an XBox 360!
Now, I realize that the gun really makes no difference in this video. It is really the laser site that he is modding. Still, the fact that he used a Walther PPK is pretty cool.
Dec 18, 2008
Checking in with Kip Kay: DIY 007 Laser Gun