I subscribe to a lot of IPTV shows through my Tivo. I love them! They are so informative, and you learn about things you wouldn’t otherwise have heard of through standard media channels. I suppose that is why you all visit me on Bauer-Power right?
Tonight I was watching one of those IPTV shows (GeekBrief.tv) and they mentioned a guy who hooked up a Linux powered operating system to his Mazda RX-8, and can now control many aspects of his car with his mutha friggin’ iPhone!
Here are some of the features of his geeky car mod:
- OBD-II interface
- 3G mobile broadband
- Ignition manager
- Wifi
- RFID reader
- iPod Touch / iPhone / 3G cellphone control
Check out the video from this geeked out RX-8’s owner:
You can read more details about this geeky RX-8 project here: (Jon’s RX-8 Project)
If you want to try doing something cool like this with your ride, check out the Wiki over at GeekMyRide.org for more projects like this one, and how to get started on geeking out your ride!