Jul 22, 2009

The Hak5 Forums Got Hacked

This morning I got a nice little email from the administrators at the Hak5 forums. I have mentioned Hak5 many times in my posts. They run a pretty cool IPTV show about technology, systems administration and network security. They also have their own forums, and that is where the attack happened. Because of the attack, their database containing user information and passwords was compromised, so they are encouraging all users to reset their passwords immediately.

Here is the email I received this morning:

On July 20th, 2009 the server hosting Hak5.org and the Hak5 forums was hacked into and defaced via an exploit on a unrelated system. During this time the forum database was accessed and as such, passwords (which are linked to your email address) used for forum accounts have been compromised. Please login to http://www.hak5.org/forums/ and change your password, more importantly if you used this password elsewhere you will need to change these passwords ASAP. We apologize for this inconvenience.


If you are a Hak5 forum user, be sure to login and change your password as soon as possible. If by chance you use that username and password combination on other sites be sure to change your passwords there as well.

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