Jan 12, 2010

A New Look For A New Year!

Once again Bauer-Power has undergone some corrective surgery, not entirely unlike Joan Rivers. If you remember, I posted a poll up yesterday asking if I should change the layout once again. Out of the few people responding, 99% of them said YES!

I kind of liked the old layout, but I do agree it needed to change. It looked rather out-of-date, and it took forever to load! Sure, not all of the ads and stuff load lightning fast now, but at least the content loads right away, and that is what you are here for anyway!

If you noticed, I inserted the Wibya toolbar in the bottom of the blog. I hope you like it. It is designed to make things more interactive. In-fact, you can chat with each other on it, and it integrates with Twitter. Not too shabby!

I want to know what you think though. Let me know if you like the new layout, or hate it. Let me know if you have some suggestions. I want you guys to want to come back, so I am really want to know your thoughts in the comments!


El Di Pablo

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