I suppose I will start off by telling a story. About a week ago, give or take a few days, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released. As usual I started working on creating my personal Ubuntu based distro called Bauer-Puntu. For those of you following the blog, you may know that I use Remastersys to create my live cd. The only problem with Remastersys is that if you leave all of the default applications that comes with Ubuntu, your live cd will be well over 1GB!
Well, the trick is removing packages and other junk you never use, and you know you will never need! Sure you can go through Synaptic and pick and choose applications to remove, but what about temp files? What about bad symlinks? What about packages you didn’t know you had?!
Well I found a tool that can help you clean up your junk! It is called FSLint!
Install is as easy as running sudo apt-get install fslint from the terminal too! After installing, just run sudo fslint-gui to open up the gui and start cleaning.
For instance, I never thought about the Ubuntu-Documentation package being installed, but that son of a bitch is almost 300MB! I have never once used it! Bam! Gone!
What other tools do you like to use to free disk space in Linux? Let us know in the comments!