I once wrote here on Bauer-Power about a really great open source cloning solution called FOG. Not only does it handle disk cloning though, but it can do a lot of computer management tasks. It can deploy software, it can rename computers, it can map printers, it can even join computers to Active Directory. All of this for free!
I also wrote an article on how to Sysprep Windows 7 easily. The main reason I wrote that one is because the standard method for creating an answer XML file for Sysprep in Windows 7 is kind of a pain in the butt. My way simplifies it with the help of a free 3rd party tool.
Well I got a related email from Bauer-Power reader, Matt Bradley, on Sysprepping Windows 7 based on my article above, and how FOG's FOGCrypt program fit in. In this latest Tech Chop, I tell you more about FOG, and I try to answer Matt's question about FOGCrypt!
What do you think? Did I answer Matt's question? Do you have a question yourself about FOG? Let me know in the comments!
Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta:
- Disk cloning basics using dd in Linux
- How to Clone a Dying Hard Disk
- Faronics Deep Freeze To Clone Your PC