On Monday I posted my latest Tech Chop where I laid out my 10 new years resolutions for 2012. In the video I give a lot of IT related resolutions, and also a few regular ones like working out on my Total Gym clone again. One I did not do, because I kicked the habbit years ago, is quit smoking.
I think it's safe to say that quitting smoking and losing weight are probably the two most common resolutions people make for New Years. In my experience, losing weight is easy, it's quitting smoking that is truly difficult. I ended up quitting by using the nicotine patch. Even with the patch, it was a daily struggle to fight the cravings. What if you don't want to use the patch, or the gum? What if you think you are strong enough mentally to kick smoking cold turkey? I may have something that may help.
It's a texting service from Smokefree.gov called SmokefreeTXT. From their page:
SmokefreeTXT is a free mobile service designed for young adults across the United States. SmokefreeTXT was created to provide 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help smokers stop smoking for good.
Signing up is quick and easy – and FREE!
There are 2 ways to sign up:
- Text the word QUIT to IQUIT (47848) from your mobile phone, answer a few questions, and you’ll start receiving messages.
- Click the button to the right to sign up, answer a few questions, and you’ll start receiving text messages.
If you pay for individual texts, this program may not be for you.* Check with your mobile provider.
If you’re not trying to quit smoking but you are interested in seeing how SmokefreeTXT works, we invite you to sign up. But first, please send an email for instructions on how to sign up.
Now standard rates do apply, but if you have an unlimited texting plan it won't be an issue. If you don't have unlimited, you can control the number of texts they send you. Still, I'm sure that at $5.00 a pack, text rates are cheaper than actually smoking.
Will a text message help you quit? Knowing how hard it was for me to quit, I'm not sold. What do you think about text messages to help you quit smoking? Let me know in the comments.
del.icio.us tags: quit, smoking, text, messages
- Texting Becomes The Latest Tool to Help Teens Quit Smoking
- Quit Smoking: Going Cold Turkey
- Quit smoking with electronic cigarettes