I'm kind of a late adopter of things. Some people I know sign up for the latest things as soon as news they are available breaks. Me, not so much. I like to wait for the dust to settle a bit I guess. One of those things is Google Drive, which officially released last month, and I'm only now signing up for it. Of course with the threat of CISPA, the only thing I am storing on it is a 5GB TrueCrypt volume (Suck on that US Government!)
Anyhoo, at the time of this writing there are only Google Drive clients available for Windows, Mac and Android with clients for iPhone and iPad coming out shortly. What if you are a Linux user though? Well, there is a way to mount your Google Drive in Ubuntu with a modified version of the now defunct Google-Docs-FS project. The only draw back with this approach is your files stored on Google Drive will only be available while you are connected to the Internet, and won't be available offline like you can with the offical clients. Still, it's better than nothing.
To set it up, do the following:
- Open a Terminal and run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:invernizzi/google-docs-fs
- In the same Terminal run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-docs-fs
Once everything that’s needed has been installed log out and back in.
- Open Nautilus
- Create a new folder in your Home folder titled ‘Drive’
- Open a Terminal and run: gmount Drive username@gmail.com
- Input your password
- Your Google Drive is now mounted in the ‘Drive’ folder
Pretty cool huh? Now you can easily share files between computers, and those computers can also be Ubuntu Linux coputers :-)
[Via OMG Ubuntu]
del.icio.us tags: how to, mount, google drive, ubuntu, linux, client
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