NOTE: We have new PROFESSIONAL stickers! Click here for details!
Many many moons ago I sent away for some free
"Powered By Ubuntu" stickers from
some laptop company in Colorado that make laptops with Ubuntu installed on them. They don't do Windows!
It took a while, but I got my stickers, and I was a happy camper. I promptly removed my Windows sticker from my laptop, cleaned off the old adhesive with some rubbing alcohol, and replaced it with my shiny new Ubuntu sticker. I proudly showed the world around me that I didn't answer to multi-million dollar, self absorbed, monopolistic software companies like Microshaft. No, I did things on my own terms using free, as in FREE BEER, software available to anyone savvy enough to download it and install it!
I decided I would extend that same offer to you my readers, and anyone else that comes along that enjoys the freedom that Ubuntu Linux has to offer!
I will print out, and mail you a sheet of six
"Powered By Ubuntu" self adhesive stickers free of charge! I am a big proponent of Ubuntu, and I want to spread the Ubuntu love to as many people out there as possible!

The sticker comes from the
Free Software Stickers book that I blogged about quite a while ago. Sure, you can download the book yourself, print out the stickers and tape them to your laptop all ghetto style and whatnot. I on the other hand will print them out for you on nice, self adhesive sticker paper for a more professional look that says, "Hey, I'm not a douche bag!"
Here is a
blurry photo I snapped using my Blackberry of the one I have on my laptop:
So you want some right? I knew you did. All you have to do is mail me a self addressed stamped envelope to:
Bauer-Power Ubuntu Stickers
1260 W. Main St.
Cedaredge, CO 81413
When I get your envelope, I will return it with your sheet of
FREE "Powered By Ubuntu" stickers!

For you Kubuntu users, I haven't forgot about you either! Just change the address from
Bauer-Power Ubuntu Stickers to
Bauer-Power Kubuntu Stickers and I will send you stickers reflecting your choice in Linux desktop managers (KDE v.s. Gnome)!
Please tell all your friends!