This is the first post from me here at Bauer-Power in what seems like ages. I'm sorry about that. Please note that I most certainly have not abandoned the blog here. I've just been really busy with my new political blog Mainwashed. If you have a few moments, go ahead and check it out.
Anyway, so I have this user at work who has been coming over to the IT area for the last few weeks with an issue that I'll admit, I hadn't seen before. We have disabled offline file caching on all workstations as well as on our Windows 2008 file server. Still though, she was still having a strange caching problem that would cause files and folders in one of her file shares to appear with a gray X on them, and she wouldn't be able to open them.
Also, if she saved a file, the update wouldn't actually make it over to the server. It would just store in the cache area on her computer. Strange right?
Here's a screen shot she sent me:
; Disable Offline Files Driver - CSC
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\CSC]
; Disable Offline Files Service - CSCService
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\CscService]
; Format CSC Database
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\CSC\Parameters]